Monday, January 24, 2011

How to perform Wudu

How to Perform Wudu’

It is recommended to say بِسم الله “Bismillah” (with the Name of Allah) while washing the hands.

It is recommended to wash the two hands with the wrists three times (figure-1- ).

It is recommended to rinse the mouth three times using the right hand (figure -2- ).



It is recommended to draw water into the nose with the right hand and to blow it out of the nose with the left hand three times (figure-3- ).

It is an obligation to have the proper intention. When the water touches the first part of your face say in your heart “I intend to perform wudu'”.

It is an obligation to wash your face, from the normal hairline to the chin and from one ear to the other including the hair and skin. The inner part of the man’s thick beard is excluded (figure-4- ).

If a string was put at the middle of the forehead at the normal hairline and drawn to the top of the ear, then one washes all that would be below that string, both hair and skin, with the ears excluded (figure-4a-4b).

It is recommended to wash the face three times.



It is an obligation to wash the hands, forearms, and elbows.

It is recommended to wash them three times each. Start with the right and then the left (figure-5- ).

It is an obligation to wet wipe part of the head, between the normal hairline and the occiput (figure-6- ).



Figure-5- Figure-6-
It is recommended to wet wipe both ears three times (figure-7- ).

It is an obligation to wash the feet with the ankles. It is recommended to wash them three times starting with the right foot (figure-8- ).

Do the obligatory parts (from step 1 to 10) in the aforementioned order.

It is recommended to say a supplication after finishing wudu’ (see Appendix 1).

Figure-7- Figure-8-


It is preferred to use a small amount of water in wudu’ and ghusl. It is mentioned in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah used a mudd مد (about half a cup) of water for wudu' and a sa^ صاع (about a pint) for ghusl. A mudd is the fill of a pair of average-sized hands cupped together. The sa^ is four mudds. It is also mentioned in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah used six (6) mudds (about 3 cups) of water for wudu’ and thirty (30) mudds (about one cup less than a gallon) for ghusl.

Invalidators of Wudu'

If you have wudu' and any of the matters which invalidate wudu’ takes place, you must not pray until you make a new wudu' Among the invalidators of wudu' are:

1. The emission of any substance from the eliminatory outlets, such as urine, defecation, or gas, except maniyy.

2. Touching the penis or vagina, or the anus with the inside of the bare hand (the palm).

3. Losing the mind or losing consciousness

4. Sleeping without having the buttocks firmly seated, such as sleeping on the stomach, back, and on the side.

5. Skin to skin contact with a member of the opposite sex, who has reached an age where he or she is normally desired. (the females whom one is not allowed to marry in any circumstance such as his mother, sister etc. (are not included).

6. If one of these matters happens to you during prayer, you stop the actions of the prayer, perform wudu' and then start the prayer from the beginning.

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